
Monday, November 3, 2014

Yuktes Vijay : Bukti Saksi Anwar, Dr Osman Tiada Kredibiliti

Tertera di bawah adalah daripada salinan Mahkamah soal balas Dr Osman oleh Karpal Singh:

KS: May I refer the witness to IDD 16?

Q: From that document, IDD 16

A: This is a hospital file. On 28th June Saiful came to see me. He presented to me pain in the anus when passing motion for one week and there is no blood in the stool, nothing. Bowel regulation is normal; this is not in the file.

Q: You examine him?

A: Yes.

Q: After the examination did he tell you anything?

A: After examination I inform my patient, “Your anus is normal and healthy. I did not see any injury or anything.” While he was putting on his trousers and I’m washing my hand he said, “No, doctor. This is sodomy.” From his action and words I understand it is sodomy. He continues and talked to me saying a VIP is involved, he is scared to go to the police to report. I’m very shock because I put the protoscope into the patient’s anus to check before he told me the story. If he tell me that story I won’t touch his anus because it is normal procedure if it is a legal case we have to send to government hospital.

Q: I refer you to IDD16. The first page. Is that your handwriting?

A: Yes.

Q: There’s something here that you have recorded. “Patient was alleged assaulted by insertion of plastic into the anus”.

A: Yes.

Q: Saiful told you this?

A: Yes.

Q: And you recorded it as in here?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you read the complete recording?

A: Patient was alleged assaulted by of plastic into the anus.

Q: Anything else there?

A: Willing to do report. That means willing to do police report. After I examine him I wrote this down.

Q: After you examine him?

A: Yes.

Q: And he told you this?

A: Yes.

Tan Sri Shafee Abdullah telah selar kredibiliti Dr Osman hari ini di Mahkamah. Dr Osman adalah doktor pertama yang Saiful jumpa sebelum dihantar ke HKL.

Menurut Dr Osman, dubur Saiful tidak ada apa-apa kecederaan. Satu aspek penting yang harus diberi perhatian kerana tanpa kecederaan, susah nak buktikan liwat berlaku. Payah nak sabitkan seseorang itu bersalah mengikut peruntukkan undang-undang.

Namun, apa yang dapat ditafsir daripada soal balas di atas adalah Dr tersebut tidak membuat inferens yang dubur Saiful ‘disumbat’ dengan barang plastik berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan yang dijalankannya.

Dia hanya tulis apa yang Saiful beritahunya. Setahu saya, tidak ada doktor di dunia ini yang akan tulis apa yang pesakit dia beritahu tapi endahkan kesimpulan yang diperoleh daripada hasil pemeriksaan yang dijalankan!

Adakah Saiful bodoh untuk beritahu Dr Osman yang dia disumbat oleh plastik selepas beritahunya yang dia telah diliwat?

Dr Osman seorang penipu!

Rujuk bawah. Ada petikan lagi daripada soal balas ketika di Mahkamah

Q: Is it a practice for you to come out with a report without being requested? Is it a practice for you to come out with a proper report after examining a patient?

A: No.

Q: But this one you were asked?

A: Yes

Q: By whom?

A: By Azlan, he is the officer in the hospital.

Q: And you give it to him?

A: Yes.

Q: What is he at the hospital?

A: I work there for 6 months, I don’t know, he is an officer in charge of record or something. I’m not sure.

Q: You didn’t know who this person is, to whom you prepare the report?

A: I know he is an officer of Pusrawi, I didn’t know exactly his position.

Q: Is he your superior?

A: No.

Q: Is he authorized to ask a report from you?

A: No.

Daripada petikan di atas, apa yang boleh ditafsirkan adalah :

Dr Osman telah lakukan pemerikasaan walaupun diberitahu pesakitnya yang dia telah diliwat

Dr Osman boleh dibuli oleh staf Hospital yang mungkin hanya sekadar jaga rekod untuk buat laporan yang bukan prosedur biasa. Fikirkan lah apa yang boleh seorang yang berkuasa dan berpengaruh seperti Anwar boleh buat untuk Dr Osman menari ikut rentaknya

Ini satu lagi bukti kenapa Dr Usman adalah ‘puppet’ Anwar.

Q: Did you also prepare a statutory declaration with regard to your examination?

A: Yes.

Q: Why was there a need to prepare a statutory declaration?

A: This is a long story. I went back to Myanmar and while I was there IDD16 come out in the internet which is not a doctor’s practice so that is my respond. At that time I was very scared.

Q: So, who ask you to prepare?

A: One is a commissioner of oath [], another one is one is one lawyer, I forgot his name.

Q: Who is the lawyer?

A: Malay lawyer.

Q: Why must he ask you to prepare the statutory declaration?

A: They forced me, no, I was forced by this file in the internet that they advised me to prepare a statutory declaration.

Q: Who ask you? I mean, did the police ask you?

A: No, not police.

Q: Then, who are they?

A: One is a commissioner of oath [] I forgot his name, and is a lawyer.

Q: So it would seem you would do anything for anybody, right? One, is by this officer earlier who are not your superior to prepare a medical report and you prepare it for him. And one lawyer came to see you and ask you to prepare and sign the statutory declaration and you sign it?

A: They made me to believe it was made to keep in the confidential file, Azlan. The lawyer is Anuar and another one Yusri, I think.

Q: And you said it wasn’t the police who ask you?

A: No, they never ask me anything.

Anwar telah hantar dua orang ke Mynmar untuk ambil Akuan Bersumpah daripada Dr Osman. Akuan bersumpah yang dirujuk di atas tidak pernah digunakan di Mahkamah kerana tidak diminta oleh peguambela Anwar ketika di Mahkamah Tinggi.

Kenapa? Sebab Anwar telah halang kita daripada buat sedemikian.

Di sini turut tertera satu lagi pembohongan Anwar. Menurut Anwar, dia tidak bawa mana-mana saksi alibi dia ke Mahkamah kerana mereka telah ditakutkan dan diberi tekanan oleh pihak polis.

Namun, nampak tak apa yang Dr Osman cakap? NO THEY NEVER ASK ME ANYTHING

Takkan polis nak buli saksi alibi walhal “saksi penting” seperti Dr Osman yang merupakan orang pertama yang telah periksa dubur mangsa liwat tidak diusik?

Yang hantar dan beri tekanan untuk buat akuan bersumpah adalah Anwar.

Tapi, polis yang dikecam oleh Anwar. Ini logik? Ini gelagat seorang yang sah bersalah dan sekarang cari jalan untuk ‘escape’ !

Tan Sri Shaffee adalah betul! Dr Osman saksi yang tiada kredibiliti!!

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